Where is Open-Source Technology Heading and Is it Really the Future?

Open-source has been gradually shaping the world for 25 years now. We might have not noticed it at first, but open-source has become one of the most important technologies in the world. This technology goes greatly beyond the world of software and business and its usage is more than likely to continue for years to come. It can be used everywhere from the video gaming industry to the betting industry with people using different software to bet on their favorite games with, for example, Betfair promo code.

Open-source technology is now ingrained in our lives and we will probably not be able to function without it. It’s a part of our web browsers, operating systems, and even our phones. You might not realize this, but watching Netflix or browsing Facebook means that you are an open-source user.

Proving how important open-source can actually be is the fact that companies that were once against it are becoming its biggest advocates. Many have created closed systems as a necessity and not by choice are now realizing that the open solution is a vastly better one. Adding significantly larger benefits.

New Open Source Technologies

Currently, open source is where many new and advanced technologies are being developed. To mention a few, open source is being implemented in AI, Cloud, blockchain, and even quantum computing. In the past, open-source brought people together and enabled the advancement of technology as people joined together and created better solutions. This is something that we expect to happen today as the mentioned technologies will benefit greatly from the collaboration of various people.

In today’s complex environment, open is usually regarded as interoperability across platforms. It makes it highly important for the groups that manage those projects that they are highly committed to open governance. It will be done in terms of apps, data and also the ones that belong to competitors.

Going Over Limits

Various businesses today are making critical decisions in relation to their technology infrastructure. However, it often happens that they get locked into platforms that actually limit their choices instead of expanding them.

In order to overcome this issue, businesses need to realize that they need to be more open than ever. IBM is a company that has already realized this and why they stride towards open governance, which will in turn help ensure long-term success and viability of their open-source projects.

In the past, communities with open-source technology that strive towards open governance and inclusiveness have been able to attract the most expansive markets and biggest ecosystems. These open governance systems have proven to be immensely successful. Additionally, they had a longer life and were much riskier than projects controlled by a single vendor.

But IBM is making contributions in other ways as well. Its developers are constantly working on open-source projects and are making thousands of contributions each month to projects like these.

Probably one of the most important milestones in the history and the future of open-source was IBM acquiring Red Hat. Being that Red Hat is considered one of the world’s largest open-source providers, this deal has the potential to reshape the industry as we know it. IBM and Red Hat have already collaborated together some 20 years and it seems that the two of them together are not only going to help businesses face changeless they are facing in managing data and workflows across could service, but will transform those challenges into opportunities.

Essentially, being open is the way the world needs to function going into the future. The question should not be “Should we be open or closed?” That answer is more than apparent. What they should be asking now is “How open should we be?”
